Thursday, June 14, 2007

Re Week 2 Things 3 & 4 ~ Thought...

Week 2 Thing 3: Setting up my blog went better than anticipated and I've felt encouraged! I've even had a comment! Still, I feel some hesitancy with the technology but plan to explore the other participants blogs and ask questions.
All in all I'm still getting friendly with this medium. It's a process.
Week 2 Thing 4: Registering my blog seemed to go OK. I didn't find myself getting frustrated.

Right now thinking about an overall approach to these 23 Things, it strikes me as a balance between a linear organization and an open flexibility of mind i.e. having a plan yet being spontaneous as well?

Re: Week 1 Things 1 & 2 ~ Thoughts Thusfar ...

Week 1 Thing 1: I enjoyed the presentation and the visuals. Thinking about the 71/2 habits and assembling a 'toolbox' was challenging.
Week 1 Thing 2: Accessing the contract was difficult for me, but a staff member was most helpful (Thanks, NC!), got it up, and printed me a copy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Hi All ~
Going back through my notes, I realized I incorrectly referred to the & 1/2 'things' as "characteristics" rather than learner "habits." Sorry about that. After all learning approaches are about habits of mind and attitude. If you 'portmanteau' learning and attitude, you get what I need here ~ a lot of latitude! It's all about the learning curve ...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The 7 1/2

Hellooo out there! This is all very new to me. Of the 7 1/2 characteristics a successful life-long learner possesses, the one I find the easiest is # 1. Beginning with the end in mind is easy for me as I enjoy visualizing. I can picture the goal in my mind's eye. The characteristic I find hardest to affect is # 4. Having confidence that I can actually accomplish what my imagination pictures is very hard for me, and I struggle with negative fortune-telling.